Wednesday 22 February 2017

Lemon juice: The best cleaning detergent

Lemon, natures little hand scrubbers, a natural disinfectant that fits in the palm of your hand, a fantastic kitchen helper, is also a natural mild disinfectant. It can freshen more than just your food; it is a powerful antibacterial and grease fighter. Lemons can be used all over the house, it can also be used to take care of some skin problems. Lemon is high in citric acid, it is one of the best natural cleansers due to its low PH and antibacterial properties. Lemons smell great and are not likely to cause damage to materials around what you are cleaning, such as fabric or wood.

When cleaning with lemons, always rinse with warm soapy water and dry with a clean cloth. One of the very few things you can’t clean with lemon juice is anything that is brass plated, because the juice will damage the item. If you clean with this natural cleanser, you may buy less, spend less money and have fewer harsh chemicals to worry about.

Here is a list of items that can be cleaned with lemon;

Clean the blender: If your blender carafe suffers from a little hard water build up, blend a lemon with a little dish washing soap and water to get it sparkling again.

Freshen the garbage disposal: The best way to kick that funky smell coming out of your garbage disposal is to throw in some ice cubes, a handful of salt and a few lemon peels. Alternatively, you can pour a gallon of hot water mixed with half cup of lemon juice down the drain.

Clean and deodorize smelly plastic container: Rub a lemon over the inside of a plastic container, or rinse it with lemon juice to help remove stains and smells.

Cutting Boards: Fresh lemon juice can kill germs which makes it a great choice for the kitchen. Sanitize your cutting boards and remove odours with lemon juice and salt. Once you scrub your board with a freshly cut lemon or lemon juice and salt, let it sit for five minutes before rinsing.

Laundry: You don’t need bleach to have bright whites. Remove stains and whiten your clothes with lemons. To fix dirty white, add thinly sliced lemons to a hot pot of water. Once the water comes to a boil, turn off the heat, add your clothes and let them sit for an hour before washing. To remove grease stains from clothing, rub lemon juice into the spot and let it sit overnight and then wash as normal. It works best if the laundry is dried under the sun. Lemon juice should not be used on silks or other delicate fabrics.

Furniture Polish: Conventional furniture polish is full of mineral oil and poisonous hydrocarbons that can irritate lungs and skin. The propellant in many sprays is made from petroleum gases that have been linked to cancer and genetic defects. Protect your furniture and your wood with a simple lemon olive oil polish.

Hard water: Lemon juice can remove the mineral deposit from your head tank. With a similar acidity as vinegar, lemon can safely break down hard water deposits. It will also help remove soap and other build up that dulls shine. Sprinkle baking soda or salt onto the cut side of a lemon and rub directly on the water spots.

Barbecue Grill: In addition to helping remove stuck on food, lemon will help remove rust and sanitize the grill. The easiest way to use lemon on the grill is to rub a cut lemon straight on the grate before you light it.
By: Mercy Kukah

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