Wednesday 9 November 2016

Honey Water

As the popular saying goes, water is life and no human on earth can survive without water, it is a very important component for our bodies; the human body is made up of 80% of water, which is actually a very strange thing to imagine. Water is good for you - we all know that and we hear people saying it all the time. Health doctors would say drink more and more of water every day. Water sustains all of our everyday bodily functions from transporting vital nutrients and oxygen to helping with our day to day digestion of food.

Have you ever wondered what combining honey to your drinking water can do to your health? For you to have more meaningful impact to your everyday drinking water, honey should be added to it. Drinking a glass of warm honey water every day can increase your health benefits and even prevent your body against diseases.

Drinking a warm glass of honey water every day will;

·        Reduce Your Gas – A mug of warm honey water will help neutralize the gas in your system. You will feel smarter in no time.

·        Boost your Immune System – Honey and warm water is one of the best combinations for flushing out waste from your system. When you drink more of warm honey water, you will be saying goodbye to toxins and hello to detoxification. Another amazing fact is; adding lemon juice to the honey water will help to flush out toxins through urine.

·        Your Skin will Become Clearer – Taking lemon and honey water is one of the amazing things you can do early in the morning. This will help control acne and in no time, you will notice the glow on your skin within two to three weeks of drinking this mixture. Honey in itself is a natural anti- oxidant which means it helps to flush away toxins and thanks to it antibacterial properties it helps to keep your skin clean and clearer than ever.

·         Helps you Lose Weight – Honey water increases metabolism. Drinking a glass of honey water with lemon juice on an empty stomach will keep you on the fat burning mode. The sugar in honey is totally different from the one in white sugar. Honey contains natural sugar which will help to satisfy your every day sweet cravings for naughty treats such as cakes, chocolate and cola.

·        Your Sore Throat will Improve - Cough is sometimes caused by irritation from sore throat. The soothing effect of honey helps to reduce cough. This is also the reason warm honey water is a winter favourite, it can help to soothe a sore throat and warm you up in the colder months. Honey is a natural remedy for respiratory infections and the common cough, so next time you have a cold, reach for the honey.

·        Your Sugar Level will Regulate – As we have said at the onset, the sugar content of honey is not the same as white sugar, but rather, the combination of fructose and glucose which actually helps the body to regulate your blood sugar level. It is also believed to reduce cholesterol deposits in the body.

·        Preventing the Risk of Heart Disease – Honey is known to slow down the oxidation process of bad cholesterol in the human blood stream, which can have a very harmful effect on the heart leading to cardiovascular seizure (Heart Attacks) and in some cases a stroke. Honey is very helpful in preventing and reducing the risk of having a heart attack.

So, what are you waiting for, grab that honey jar and that kettle of hot water now!   Make yourself warm honey water mixed with lemon juice, for a healthier living.


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